
Executive Leadership Transition at Pertamina

To our esteemed investors and analysts,

As of 4th November 2024, PT Pertamina (Persero) has restructured the Board of Commissioners and Directors. The Minister of State-Owned Enterprises held a General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) and appointed Mochamad Iriawan as President Commissioner, Dony Oskaria as Deputy Commissioner, Raden Adjeng Sondaryani as Independent Commissioner, and Simon Aloysius Mantiri as President Director and CEO of PT Pertamina (Persero).

This decision is documented in the Copy of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Decree as the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Pertamina (Persero) with reference number SK-258/MBU/11/2024 and SK-259/MBU/11/2024, regarding the dismissal and appointment of the Board of Commissioners and Directors of PT Pertamina (Persero). The decision also confirms the honorable dismissal of Nicke Widyawati from her position as President Director and CEO of Pertamina which she held since 20th April 2018 and Ahmad Fikri Assegaf from his position as Independent Commissioner since 2nd July 2021.

The following appointment of Pertamina's Board of Commissioners and Directors composition is as follows:

Board of Commissioners

  • â  â President Commissioner: Mochamad Iriawan
  • â  â Deputy Commissioner: Dony Oskaria
  • â  â Independent Commissioner: Raden Adjeng Sondaryani
  • â  â Commissioner: Heru Pambudi
  • â  â Commissioner: Bambang Suswantono
  • â  â Independent Commissioner: Condro Kirono
  • â  â Independent Commissioner: Alexander Lay
  • â  â Independent Commissioner: Iggi H. Achsien

Board of Directors

  • â  â President Director & CEO: Simon Aloysius Mantiri
  • â  â Deputy President Director: Wiko Migantoro
  • â  â Director of Strategy, Portfolio, & New Ventures: A. Salyadi Dariah Saputra
  • â  â Director of Finance: Emma Sri Martini
  • â  â Director of Logistics & Infrastructure: Alfian Nasution
  • â  â Director of Risk Management: Ahmad Siddik Badruddin
  • â  â Director of Corporate Services: Erry Widiastono
  • â  â Director of Human Capital: M. Erry Sugiharto

Furthermore, we encourage you to visit the Pertamina website to have our latest news and Investor information: /en/Investor-relations

We sincerely appreciate your continued and profound interest towards Pertamina. If there any questions regarding the following material or anything related to Pertamina’s scope of business, please do not hesitate to contact the Pertamina Investor Relations Team through pertamina_ir@pertamina.com

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