
Initial Launching of Pertamina Sustainable Aviation Fuel to Accelerate Energy Transition within the Aviation Industry    

To our esteemed investors and analysts, 

PT Pertamina (Persero) has proven its commitment in developing its own Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) products or aviation fuel with a mixture of renewable energy contents and as of 27th October 2023, Pertamina SAF has been launched through a collaborative mission between Pertamina and Garuda Indonesia.

Pertamina SAF is an environmentally friendly fuel, which uses a mixture of palm oil components in the formula to reduce exhaust emissions for aviation. Additionally, this aspect of utilizing palm oil components will further encourage industrial and economic development in Indonesia. Furthermore, the following development is evident that Pertamina is focusing its efforts to contribute positively to achieving their 2060 Net Zero Emission (NZE) targets and significantly impact the aviation business. It was also assessed through a flight test which was carried out on 4th October 2023, specifically for the Boeing 737-800 NG commercial aircraft with registration number PK-GFX, belonging to Garuda Indonesia – the flight test was carried out for 60 minutes, crossing the Pelabuhan Ratu air area.

 Moreover, Pertamina SAF is a result of innovation and collaboration between Pertamina’s subholdings. PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Green Refinery facility from the Cilacap Refinery uses the Hydrotreated Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) co-processing method and complies with international standards throughout the production process. Later, SAF will be marketed through PT Pertamina Patra Niaga for the aviation industry in Indonesia and does not rule out the possibility for the international aviation market.

Furthermore, we encourage you to visit the Pertamina website to have our latest news and Investor information: /en/Investor-relations 

We sincerely appreciate your continued and profound interest in Pertamina. If there any questions regarding the following material or anything related to Pertamina’s scope of business, please do not hesitate to contact the Pertamina Investor Relations Team through pertamina_ir@pertamina.com 



Best regards, 


Pertamina Investor Relations

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