To our esteemed investors and analysts,
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), as the Subholding Upstream of Pertamina, has successfully achieved an Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) rating of 21.5, indicating medium risk, after undergoing an assessment process by the international rating agency, Sustainalytics.
PHE has also obtained the 6th position out of 308 global oil and gas producers, which indicates success and an improvement of PHE’s rating from 2022, where previously PHE achieved a score of 30.5, indicating high risk.
To commemorate the following milestone, PHE will continue to invest in managing upstream oil and gas operations and businesses in accordance with ESG principles. Additionally, PHE is registered with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) as a member since June 2022 and is committed to the UNGC's Ten Universal Principles in its strategy and operations, as part of implementing ESG aspects. To further support the Governance aspect, PHE is also always committed to Zero Tolerance on Bribery by ensuring fraud prevention is carried out.
Furthermore, we encourage you to visit Pertamina’s website to have our latest news and investor information: /en/Investor-relations
We sincerely appreciate your continued and profound interest in Pertamina. If there any questions regarding the following material or anything related to Pertamina’s scope of business, please do not hesitate to contact the Pertamina Investor Relations Team through
Best regards,
Pertamina Investor Relations