
Siaran Pers

2023-02-09 | 19:05
Jakarta, February 9, 2023 - Having succeeded in owning the world's largest environmentally friendly gas tanker, Pertamina Gas Amaryllis, PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) once again adds assets for business expansion in the international market, as well as developing future businesses. PIS a...
2023-02-08 | 14:06
Surabaya, February 8, 2023 - Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, K.H. Ma'ruf Amin, inaugurated the Jambaran-Tiung Biru (JTB) National Strategic Project (PSN) in Surabaya, East Java, Wednesday (8/2). The Jambaran-Tiung Biru Unitization Gas Field Project was developed by PT Pertamina EP Cepu ...
2023-02-06 | 17:32
Jakarta, February 6, 2023 - PT Pertamina (Persero) appreciates the Government's policy of accelerating energy compensation payments. In 2022, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia changed the payment mechanism policy from per semester to per quarter. With this change, Pertamina's cash...
2023-02-06 | 13:45
Jakarta, February 6, 2023 - Pertamina's business transformation efforts during the three years of the Covid-19 pandemic have not been easy. However, the Minister of SOE's full support as a shareholder representing the government has led the Indonesian Oil and Gas Holding's performance to grow signif...
2023-02-03 | 19:00
Cilacap, February 3, 2023 - PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) RU IV Cilacap has successfully won Gold at the Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Village Development (PDB) Award 2023. It follows the...
2023-02-03 | 18:07
Balikpapan, February 3, 2023 - Two Pertamina Social & Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) programs through PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Balikpapan Unit received awards from the Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Ministry of Villages PDTT) in ...
2023-02-03 | 16:10
Semberah, February 3, 2023 - Pertamina EP (PEP) Sangatta Field successfully produced oil from the SBR-34 natural flow development well of 853 bopd (barrels of oil per day or barrels of oil per day) on January 26, 2023. With this achievement, the Sangatta field's production increased to 2,719 bopd, t...
2023-02-03 | 11:55
Singapore, February 3, 2023 - Indonesia now has a Very Large Gas Carrier (VLGC) or giant gas tanker, one of the largest gas carriers in the world. This VLGC ship officially became the property of PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) as of February 1, 2023. The VLGC ship owned by PIS named Perta...
2023-02-01 | 08:10
Jakarta, February 1, 2023 - Pertamina continues to improve performance and provide its commitment to support national energy security. It was realized through a Crude Oil and/or Condensate Sale and Purchase Agreement (PJBM) signing between Companies in the Upstream Subholding scope and PT Kilang Per...
2023-01-30 | 12:15
Jakarta, January 30, 2023 - Pertamina will continue the implementation of Diesel Dual Fuel (DDF) until 2025. DDF utilization, a combination of diesel fuel and compresses natural gas (CNG), will be an environmentally friendly energy that supports energy transition policies. Pertamina targets to imple...