
Siaran Pers

2022-06-29 | 14:55
Jakarta, June 29, 2022 – PT Pertamina Patra Niaga opens vehicle registration and identity on the MyPertamina website as of July 1, 2022. From registration, users will receive a QR Code that can be used to purchase subsidized fuel at Pertamina petrol stations. President Director of Pertamina Pa...
2022-06-27 | 16:29
Jakarta, June 27, 2022 - Distributing subsidized fuel (BBM) is one of the mandates given to Pertamina Patra Niaga, PT Pertamina (Persero)'s Sub Holding Commercial & Trading, to fulfill affordable energy needs for the community. Solar and Pertalitedistribution as subsidized fuelis controlled by l...
2022-06-26 | 11:45
June 26, 2022 - "Thank God I have one hotel that signed the MoU and 16 other hotels for cooperation agreement," said Endang, the Owner of Mahkota Snack and Mahkota Kopi, during a business meeting between MSME players and the hotel industry. Endang is one of Pertamina's MSME Partners who was lucky du...
2022-06-25 | 13:15
Jakarta, June 25, 2022 – Energy, Sustainability, and climate Task Force (TF ESC) B20 Indonesia held its last meeting, or the 5th Call Meeting, online in Jakarta on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. This call meeting is to formulate recommendations and policy actions that have been continuously discussed...
2022-06-24 | 18:23
Jakarta, June 24, 2022 - Pertamina Patra Niaga has made another positive achievement. In addition to ensuring that energy is distributed evenly across the nation, Pertamina Patra Niaga actively engages in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities that center on sustainable development in each...
2022-06-24 | 15:31
24 June 2022 - PT Pertamina (Persero), through the West Java Regional Subholding Pertamina Patra Niaga, imposed a 6-month petrol station closure sanction for the Public Fuel Filling Station (SPBU) 3442117 Gorda in Kibin, Serang Regency who committed fraud by modifying the dispenser machine. The sanc...
2022-06-24 | 12:56
Jakarta, June 24, 2022 - PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), as an affiliate of Pertamina's Gas Subholding, won 6 awards at the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Village Development (PDB) Awards 2022 held by the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigrat...
2022-06-24 | 11:46
Jakarta, June 24, 2022 – Natural gas has a significant role as one of the national energy cantilevers until 2050. Pertamina’s Gas Subholding, PT PGN Tbk, will focus on natural gas utilization for domestic purposes by developing and combining pipeline and beyond-pipeline infrastructure in...
2022-06-24 | 10:55
Sanur, June 24, 2022 – Pertamina Gas Subholding, through its affiliate PT Pertagas Niaga (PTGN) is expanding natural gas energy use for the hotel industry in Bali. On Wednesday (22/06), Pertagas Niaga distributed Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) to Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur Bali. Prime Plaza Hotel i...
2022-06-24 | 09:58
Cilacap, June 24, 2022 – PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) RU IV Cilacap synergizes with the Pertamina Foundation (PF) and the Politeknik Negeri Cilacap(PNC) to create energy-independent farmers through Solar Home System (SHS) technology in Kalijaran, Maos District, Cilacap. It uses tech...