
Siaran Pers

2021-09-08 | 08:06
Jakarta, September 8, 2021 – Pertamina scored a new milestone in the national aviation industry by producing aviation turbine fuel (avtur) dubbed Bioavtur J2.4, a clean energy innovation based on biofuels for air transportation. The first trial of Bioavtur J2.4 on the CN235 FTB aircraft was ma...
2021-09-07 | 08:15
Jakarta, September 7, 2021 – Pertamina's efforts to develop micro and small enterprises (UMK) programs are being realized through various interesting and informative activities to provide opportunities for Pertamina MSEs to participate in International Exhibitions. Senior Supervisor CSR & ...
2021-09-06 | 13:51
Jakarta, September 6, 2021 -Since the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, PT Pertamina (Persero) has made many adjustments, especially in fostering Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs). Through the MSE Funding program, Pertamina has carried out many innovations in digitizing coaching so that the fostered partn...
2021-09-06 | 12:21
Jakarta, September 6, 2021 – PT Pertamina (Persero), through the Micro and Small Business Development Program (PUMK), has fostered more than 65,000 partners across Indonesia. This potential can be used to introduce Indonesian-made products to the global arena through export activities. One of ...
2021-09-05 | 18:55
Jakarta, September 5, 2021 –PT Pertamina (Persero) support for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) during the COVID-19 pandemic continues. One of the support provided is by absorbing Fostered Partner's products related to the prevention of COVID-19. Until now, the total sales of Pertamina Foste...
2021-09-05 | 17:45
Jakarta, September 5, 2021 –PT Pertamina (Persero), through the Micro and Small Business Funding Program (PUMK), has launched the second edition of the Pertamina SME 1000 book. The launch, held virtually on Saturday (28/8), was witnessed directly by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy...
2021-09-03 | 18:55
Jakarta, September 3, 2021 – PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia as the Pertamina Upstream Subholding Kalimantan Region successfully passed Semester II of 2021 with good performance in various aspects. One of which is by managing environmentally friendly oil and gas operations by successfully reducing...
2021-09-03 | 10:40
Jakarta, September 3, 2021 – After various stages, three teams of young entrepreneurs finally managed to get a coaching money award of IDR 300 million from PT Pertamina (Persero). The three teams are from UI (University of Indonesia), Unair (Airlangga University) Surabaya, and UB (University B...
2021-09-02 | 09:16
Prabumulih, September 2, 2021 – Pertamina through the Upstream Subholding Sumatra Region Zone 4 will complete the drilling of three new development wells in South Sumatra on early September 2021. The three wells are PMN-A in Prabumenang Village, Muara Enim Regency, KRG-PB in Rambang Senuling V...
2021-09-01 | 19:38
Jakarta, September 1, 2021 – Proud Made in Indonesia Movement (GBBI) initiated by President Jokowi on 14 May 2021 is a national movement to encourage Indonesian to love and use local products, especially MSMEs products. This program is a productive act carried out by Pertamina, together with M...