
Siaran Pers

2022-05-10 | 10:34
Jakarta, May 10, 2022 - To appreciate State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) partners, the Ministry of SOEs held Apresiasi MitraBUMN Champion 2022 at the Grha Pertamina Ballroom, on Monday, May 9, 2022, in Jakarta. At this event, PT Pertamina (Persero) received the second-best award as the National Champion ...
2022-05-10 | 09:14
Jakarta, May 10, 2022 – Two years after the last time people traveled during Eid al-Fitr, homecomers in 2022 was recorded as very large. It is also proven by fuel consumption increase for homecomers. At the homecoming flow peak on D-2, fuel consumption increases by up to 41% compared to normal...
2022-05-06 | 20:30
Jakarta, May 6, 2022 - President Director of Pertamina, NickeWidyawati, directly monitors fuel (BBM) availability and distribution for the Eid al-Fitr homecoming return flow through the Pertamina Integrated Enterprise Data and Center Command (PIEDCC). Nicke ensures fuel availability and distribution...
2022-05-05 | 14:03
May 5, 2022 - PT Pertamina (Persero) guarantees fuel (BBM) availability and safe distribution after Eid al-Fitr 2022 (1443 H). For this reason, people who follow the return flow do not need to worry about fuel shortages. Director of Logistics and Infrastructure of Pertamina, Mulyono, Head of the Per...
2022-05-02 | 09:12
Palembang, May 2, 2022 - Entering the 2022 Eid al-Fitrs homecoming travel, Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagsel ensures all fuel distribution facilities for the community energy needs in the Southern Sumatra region are sufficient and can be used properly. Area Manager of Communication, Relations...
2022-05-02 | 08:01
Balikpapan, May 2, 2022 – To provide better services during the Eid al-Fitr homecoming holiday, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Kalimantan presents the first self-service petrol station service in East Kalimantan that provide the cashless payment. Area Manager of Communication & CSR Kali...
2022-05-01 | 13:00
Jakarta, May 1, 2022 – Ahead of Eid al-Fitr, BPH Migas Committee members, Basuki Trikora Putra and Eman Salman Arief, paid a work visit to the Jakarta Integrated Terminal, one of Pertamina's fuel oil terminals in the North Jakarta area. The working visit was to inspect and monitor Pertamina Pa...
2022-05-01 | 12:00
Cilacap, May 1, 2022 - PT Refinery Pertamina Internasional (KPI) RU IV Cilacap confirms a world-class refinery road map with the latest facilities. Most recently, the refinery operational control room called the Strategic Command Center (SCC) became the initiation of the largest refinery in Indonesi...
2022-05-01 | 11:01
Jakarta, May 1, 2022 – During the homecoming and return flow of Eid al-Fitr 2022, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga through the West Java Region (JBB) provides various additional facilities as a solution for travelers' safety and comfort. Not only fuel, LPG, and lubricant services, there are also mini-...
2022-05-01 | 10:01
Surabaya, May 1, 2022 – To ensure the readiness of the Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr Task Force (RAFI 2022 Task Force) in maintaining natural gas distribution services, the BPH Migas Committee, Wahyudi Anas and Abdul Halim, reviewed the Sales Operation Regional III area of PT PGN Tbk East Java Regio...