
Siaran Pers

2022-04-29 | 09:12
Jakarta, April 29, 2022 – During the homecoming and return flow of Eid al-Fitr 2022, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Sub Holding Commercial & Trading of PT Pertamina (Persero) provides various additional facilities as a solution for travelers' safety and comfort. Not only fuel, LPG, and lubrican...
2022-04-29 | 08:10
Jakarta, April 29, 2022 – PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI), as Pertamina Upstream Subholding Kalimantan Region, explained the Company's strategy in achieving the set business targets and conveyed the Company's performance in the first quarter of 2022 at the National Media Gathering Event on T...
2022-04-28 | 19:45
Bangka, 28 April 2022 - PT Pertamina (Persero) continues its commitment to meeting the community fuel (BBM) needs. Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE), Erick Thohir, and President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), Nicke Widyawati, expressed their appreciation and support to the Bangka Belitu...
2022-04-28 | 18:52
Palembang, April 28, 2022 - PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Plaju Refinery Unit III (Pertamina Plaju Refinery) recorded production that exceeded the first quarter of 2022 target. Until March 2022, the realization of Oil Fuel (BBM) and Special Fuel (BBK) and by the Pertamina Plaju Refinery of 123% ...
2022-04-28 | 17:55
Jakarta, April 28, 2022 – PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, as Pertamina's Upstream Subholding that oversees Pertamina's upstream work areas in Indonesia and abroad, has three strategic initiatives in exploration. Exploration activities in Pertamina's working areas (WK) are carried out massively and a...
2022-04-28 | 17:01
Semarang, April 28, 2022 - Entering the Eid al-Fitr 1443 H homecoming season, Pertamina ensures that all fuel (BBM) filling facilities are ready to operate and serve consumers needs on every homecoming route, especially in the Central Java province and Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). Area Manage...
2022-04-28 | 16:07
Jakarta, April 28, 2022 – Pertamina's Gas Subholding, PT PGN Tbk, is committed to managing and reducing carbon emissions or the effect of Greenhouse Gases (GHG). It is indicated by reducing energy utilization, reducing carbon emissions, and managing waste in the company's operational activitie...
2022-04-28 | 13:56
Jakarta, April 28, 2022 - PT Pertamina (Persero), through its subsidiary PT Pelita Air Service (PAS), realizes its commitment to support the air transportation industry development and strengthen connectivity in the country by serving scheduled commercial flights (regular flights). The momentum was ...
2022-04-28 | 10:45
Jakarta, April 30, 2022 - "Start from zero," said Rian, a petrol station operator in the KM 102A Cipali Rest Area, who is given the mandate to serve refueling for homecoming vehicles on their way back to their hometown to celebrate Eid al-Fitr 1443 H this year, or serving people who want to spend ti...
2022-04-27 | 17:06
April 27, 2022 - Pertamina group participates in the free homecoming program coordinated by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE). Amidts the Covid-19 pandemic, citizens who took part in the homecoming travel were enthusiastic and felt helped to meet their families in their hometowns. Pertam...